Just for fun, I decided to try and weave a tweetstorm-style chain of thoughts through a chunk of my writing over the last few years. As you might expect, it isn’t exactly short, but at 42 tweet-sized chunks, it’s a decent feat of compression. I’ll spare my twitter followers the actual storm though.
1/ There are two kinds of stories: about forming habits, and about preserving them. Superhero movies and Christmas movies.
2/ While you have room to grow in your life, forming habits is much easier than breaking habits. Neither is easy, however.
3/ A habit, once formed, demands use. This is because it exists as a sunk cost. Disuse would imply depreciating value.
4/ A living habit generates returns and grows more complex over time. This is growth. Growing habits occupy more room over time.
5/ A dying habit generates losses and grows simpler over time. This is decay. Dying habits decay to occupy less room over time.