Contributions to ribbonfarm are mostly by invitation, but we are always open to interesting pitches from people we don’t know yet. If you’re interested in writing for us, email us a pitch (~1 paragraph) and a couple of links to published posts via this contact form
All ribbonfarm posts are longform, which generally means a minimum of 1500 words, and often 3000-4000 words. Occasionally, we go as high as 8000 words. We host 4 categories of contributions
- Guest: one-off posts
- Resident: residents write a series of 4-5 related posts
- Editor-at-Large: long-time friend of ribbonfarm who contributes occassionally
- Contributing Editor: regular staff contributor who also helps set editorial direction
We pay small honoraria for guest and resident posts.
The best way to get a sense of how to write for ribbonfarm is to read some recent posts, and sample some older posts via the new readers page. You may want to follow @ribbonfarm, contributing editor Sarah Perry (@sarahdoingthing) and executive editor Venkatesh Rao (@vgr).